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Updates coming soon
18:07 22.11.2015 by MisteriosM
I recently switched to a new Database setup to increase server speed. Unfortunately that required to delete all currently saved stats on my server already.
I am currently positive the stats page will be made public shortly after christmas. Stay tuned!
Upcoming features
20:46 15.07.2015 by MisteriosM
It has been a while since I have last posted content. Considering this Website has a userbase of about 0,36 daily users that's not really a problem.
I have been working on it again tought. Since last week the 'EmotiCONverter' now saves your savestring automatically as a cookie. I realized my self that I use this page way to little for having my savestring pasted somewhere on my desktop and it usually was way easier to click trougth all my emoticons again instead of searching where i saved it.
I still left the Savestring field for those people who have different font sets they want to use and or want to share theyr Setup.
Second and more important I have been working on the feature that started this site. The Steam achievement graph site. Before I moved away from it because it was too much work this website was purely dedicated to your achievements and now that I have some more experience in html and php I went back to my orriginal idea and wrote the first 400 lines of code for your personal steam profile analizing infograph.
A sneakpeak can be found here:
as you can see this time I am graphing everything related to your profile. I really hope you enjoy and I really hope I#ll find the time to work on it some more.
Have fun, MisteriosM
EmotiCONverter update with loading and saving
18:25 23.04.2015 by MisteriosM
I updated the Text-to-Steam-Emoticon Converter. You will now be displayed a combination of letters and numbers that can be used to load up the same Letter set up you had last time. All you have to do is copy the word and insert it into the Textbox next time you open up the page. I noticed my self that having to check all the letters every time is way to annoying. The biggest advantage of having a String instead of saving cookies is the abilities to save several different combinations if you have a lot of letters and want different sets for different occasions. Hope you guys appreciate :)
Blogposts working now
18:17 17.04.2015 by MisteriosM
The title says it all. And since you are on this page. You see it. I just wrote a feature for blogposts. Confusing that there is one older than this? Well we needed it to test and it was actually written earlier because the post feature existed. There simply was no page for it.
09:22 17.04.2015 by MisteriosM
We are pround to announce that we have finally launched our website. This dosn't mean we are no longer developing it but two of the main features are now available for you. But there are still plenty to come. if you have any suggestions on what to add we would really appreciate if you could share your idea :)
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