Please insert your steamID64 here:

Will only work with public Profiles

An example steam profile analyse

Account Informations and Achievement Stats

By entering your SteamID above you will be redirected to a profile showing information about the games and their playtime connected to your steam account.
Your Page will feature detailed graphs about your achievement performance in given time periods including information about achievement performance peaks, most valuable achievements, average game completion rate and much more.
Compare your profile to the one of your friends and challenge them to beat your achievement score. Comparison charts, custom challenges and badges for you to unlock are planned features you are hopefully going to get soon. Since this site is still in Beta please report any bugs you find and be patient about missing or not yet fully functional content. I am working on it as hard as I can.
In order for all the features to work your profile has to be public.

On how to find your Steam64ID

In order to use this site you will need the Steam64ID of any profile you want to graph.
Here is an example of what it usually looks like: "76561198019959131"
There are several websites dedicated to this purpose on the web and the video on the side shows a tutorial. You will be redirected to such a site by simply clicking here.


The Website dose not render properly, what can I do about it?

This website was written entirely for Google Chrome, if you are using a different Browser this might be the problem. If you are on Google Chrome check weather you have the latest version installed. You can get the latest Chrome here.
Since I am alone and I never made a website before I can't test it on all available browsers.

Do I need to enter my steam password to use this service?

Absolutely not. This website uses purely public information that can be read from your profile. In fact if you set your steam User-page to private it will not show anything.