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Steam statistics for Duck

as of 8.02.2025, composed by steam-tools.net

Duck Profile Avatar


Joined Steam on


Steam level


Data last updated


Games registered


Games played


Games not played

You only played 59.72% of the games you ever bought.

You still have about 1,389,412.33 h of unplayed games in your library.

In other words you should not be required to buy any more games until

September 22nd, 2031

But until then you will most likely have already bought 8333 new games...

2059972.8 h

Total playtime

279.13 h

Playtime per game


Days spend on each game

Time since joining steam

Time spent gaming on STeam >A pie chart of how much of your Lifetime you spent with a steam Game running

Since you created your account
86,010 h have passed.

Based on your Playtime you spent
2395.04 % of your time gaming on Steam.

Thats 574.81 h each Day. While on average you spend only 1,1 h a day eating.

Total playtime

64994.85 h

The Banner of the game you played most Most played Game A pie chart of how much of your playtime was spend in the most played game


Rarest achievement

The icon of the most valuable achievement on steam you have
The first deaths

Die 10 times

unlocked 28.05.2017 15:10 in 'Cat Goes Platform'

Oldest achievement

The icon of the oldest unlocked achievement on steam you have
Here! Cheese!

Get 1 cheese

unlocked 18.04.2015 19:48 in 'Transformice'

Newest achievement

The icon of the most recently unlocked achievement on steam you have
Great Rune

Restored the power of a Great Rune

unlocked 20.07.2024 02:03 in 'ELDEN RING'

Most worthless achievement

The icon of the most common achievement on steam you have

Purchase the soundtrack DLC.

unlocked 28.05.2017 16:54 in 'WAVESHAPER: Original Soundtrack'

Achievements unlocked per week in the last 6 months

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Total achievements


Achievements per day


Achievements per game


minutes playtime per achievement

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